Forza 5
Forza 5, I worked on the environment decorating and matching to the real life counterparts. For the Alps, I created many of the terrain textures and polishing the terrain mesh. In the screenshot, you can see my snow and rock textures.
Decorating wise has been a lot of the organic components like tree placements and the terrain. Spa has put in a lot of focus on the flora. Because of that aspect, on Long Beach, most of my work has been on the trees and tree placement using the laser scan data.
Created the terrain textures and polished up the terrain mesh.
Polishing, and creating trees.
At the end of my support for Forza 5, I had the chance to work on the massive track Nurburgring. I started the work in improving the vegetation layout to accurately match laser scan data and references. Attention was paid to matching areas for the silhouette to real life. Other works had been improving the terrain painting and the guardrail graffiti.
Editing the terrain and polishing tree placement.