Star Wars: The Old Republic

My first gig was with Star Wars: The Old Republic on the last year of the project. I was tasked under my lead in helping with multiple planets. Much of my work was to help refine, finish and close out the game. I was guided by my lead with understanding making art for an mmo, set dressed for scripts and in-game dialog, working on bug reports, optimizations and closing out levels. I even experienced the chance of a shift in the team makeup. Instead of always being with all the environment artists, teams had been created to support the major planets made of the writer, cinematics people, scriptors and environment artists.

I found my first, professional project to be an invaluable experience for me.

Below is an example of my work on Dromund Kaas. I decorated, built and lit the environments. All of the textures and the assets had already been created so my focus was to be crafty and utilize what was there to optimize for this mmo. In some areas where I had to modify pre-existing geometry, I was learning to maximize the use of atlas and trim sheets.


I got to work on much of the terrain in Balmorra (both factions). I had tips on what to avoid to get the best out of the terrain. I had a great tools experience as I replicated the lead’s terrain style and learning techniques to properly seat objects to the ground.


In the areas below, you can’t always have every single room guided by a story. Sometimes you just need to continue on the established style of the area and flesh out all of the needed spaces for combat and quests.

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Republic Building Exteriors

The Republic Building Exteriors at one point needed a refresh on the atlas textures. I was tasked to re-uv all of these buildings while also sprucing up the geometry. It gave me an important lesson of tackling the issue of repetition.